Key Dates
Term Dates North London 2023-2024 Saturday Term Dates South London 2023-2024 Sunday


School starts 23th September 2023

23rd September

30th September

7th October

14th 0ctober

21st October

28th October Half-Term

4th November Half-Term

11th November

18th November

25th November

2nd December

9th December


School starts 24th September 2023

24th September

1st October

8th October

15th 0ctober

22nd October

29th October Half- Term

5th November Half-Term

12th November

19th November

26th November

3rd December

10th December



6th January

13th January

20th January

27th January

3rd February

10th and 17th February Half-Term

24th February

2nd March

9th March

16th March

23rd March

30th March, 6th April, 13th April (Easter holiday)

7th January

14th January

21st January

28th January

4th February

11th and 18th February Half-Term

25th February

3rd March

10th March

17th March

24th March

31st March, 7 April, 14 April (Easter Holiday)



20th April

27th April

4th May

11th May

18th May

25TH May Half-Term

1st June

8th June

15th June Eid Al-ADHA

22nd June

29th June

6th July

21st April

28th April

5th May

12th May

19th May

26th May Half-Term

2nd June

9th June

16th June Eid AL-ADHA

23rd June

30th June

7th July

Our Weekend Schools

At the Arabic club for kids we are realise that many of the children coming to learn Arabic with us us at the weekends, have already spent a full 5 days of the week at daily school. Our programme is thus catered and tailored to give your children an enjoyable, stimulating and high achieving learning experience without adding further stress. of this and do not want to labour your children with a feeling of endless schooling. We take into account that it’s the weekend, and have a curriculum that has a wide variety of carefully thought through learning activities that fill the young hearts with eagerness to learn Arabic.

At the same time we are keenly aware of our duty to fulfil the learning targets. We cover all four skills of language learning, - reading, writing, speaking and listen, through a whole range of focussed and fun language learning strategies.

Our teachers are professionals, being paid professional rates, with qualifications and skills to teach children, not just people who ‘speak Arabic’. We have ongoing, teacher training events monitoring and staff meetings to maintain a dynamic, prospering and forward thinking learning environment. We also stand out in our high teacher pupil ratios, giving in-depth attention to individual children in all classes.

Our Weekend School

Click here to get more info

Please email us for more information at

Key Dates

Our each branch runs on one day of the weekend either Saturday or Sunday

At Lark Hall Primary School
At West Green Primary School
Please email us for more information at to discuss further or call us at +44 (0)2079939010
The Arabic Club for Babies and Toddlers TACK babies
Private Tution
We also cater to requests for private tuition. Private tuition is usually given at the child’s home. An allocated responsible parent/guardian/carer would need to be present throughout the private tuition sessions. Our private tuition tailors learning for individuals and small groups, using planning and review to support the teaching.

Our current fees for private tuition are :

1-to-1, £55 an hour + transport costs
2-to-1, £65 an hour (or 32.5 pounds/child) + transport costs
For larger groups, please email us to discuss further.

NB:Fees are subject to variation for distances requiring tutors to travel long distances, or for other reasons, such as widely variable language skills within a group. This would be discussed prior to confirming a final fee.

AlMaeeyah After School Arabic Club
AlMaeeyah After School Arabic Club

AlMaeeyah is TACK’s new and innovatively designed after school club with the help of experts from the field of children’s education and language learning, keeping the aims young learners in after school fun in mind. AlMaeeyah after school clubs are lead by teacher’s from TACK who have undergone training specifically for the delivery of the after school programme with us. If you are interested in encouraging your school to open an TACK’s AlMaeeyah after school club, please let us know your interest and we can contact your school or if you want to encourage your school yourself, please feel free to download the AlMaeeyah flier from below to help you tell them about us.

Please email us for more information at to discuss further or call us at +44 (0)2079939010
For enquiries
For in school enquiries
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